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A definitive and revolutionary new text by one of the world's most esteemed bioregulatory medicine practitioners – on one of the deadliest and least understood diseases of our time.



The Rest of the Story

“A reference work destined
to change our standard of care.” 

Re-examine all that you have been told, dismiss that which insults your soul.




From the desk of Dr. James P.M. Odell

Author interview at "Medicine Week" in Baden-Baden, Germany

This 700+ page text is designed as a comprehensive manual to help disclose the secrets of breast tumors that are rarely discussed. I present the often-hidden causes of breast tumors and evidence-based treatments of all kinds, conventional and natural,
non-toxic - in short, the rest of the story.


For certain types of breast cancers, the long-term remission or cure rates using conventional treatments alone are frightening; some studies actually show no difference in long-term survival rates between treated and non-treated patients.

This especially becomes distressful after spending hundreds of thousands of dollars on diagnostics and treatment with an outcome ending badly.


We should ask why oncologists are continuing to demand their patients receive these protocols that change from year to year - with no consideration of integrating relatively inexpensive, non-toxic, complementary treatment methods...

Author's Statement


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BRMI Medical Director Dr. James Odell welcoming attendees to the inaugural Bioregulatory Medicine Institute conference.

My passion in natural medicine is rooted in having lost both my parents to degenerative disease. 


At the age of six, I lost my father to heart disease and at the age of 20, my mother to 
metastatic lung cancer. As a college student working as an orderly in the e.r. of a large hospital, I felt the despair of not being able to help my mother with her cancer treatment, watching her undergo radiation and cytotoxic chemotherapy - only to succumb to a grim death.


This led to my questioning of the effectiveness of conventional oncology treatments.

These events marked the beginning of my journey into naturopathy and traditional Chinese medicine.


After graduating from naturopathic college, I taught myself Mandarin and moved to China for three years to study traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) - later I also studied European biological regulatory medicine in Switzerland and Germany.


It has been my continued passion and dharma to inform patients of options that address the individual patterns of illness that give rise to tumor formation...

A book is
like a garden,
carried in
the pocket. 

— ancient Chinese saying



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Darkfield Microscopy applied to Live Blood Analysis

Blood Samples
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Blood Chemistry and Hematology Tests Manual


Let's Change the World.

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© 2019 by Dr. James P.M. Odell


The content and views presented herein are personal and for educational and informational purposes only. The content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website - doing so is solely at your own risk.

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